Bespoke technical conferences with full peer review

Welcome to the ISAVFT Library of Published Papers

Our conference series have been active for decades and have contributed continuously to the dissemination of the latest knowledge and practices within the industries they have served.  There is great value in old knowledge and we want preserve this knowledge and to share this value with you. 

This library concerns papers presented  before 2023. For papers and conferences held from 2023, please refer here.

Although you will be able to look through the papers currently loaded into the library, without log-in credentials, you will not be able to open the papers. Please fill out the form below and we will send you your personal log-in credentials. Log-in credentials are specific for the conference series. 

If you already have a code, please use the link on the right.

By signing up, you agree to your name being added to the contacts database for those conferences indicated above. You can un-subscribe any time.

For Conferences and Symposia from 2023

For the ISAVFT Symposium, papers and proceedings from future conferences will be made available for download for participants immediately after each conference and for a fee, for non-participants, six months later, through our Web Shop (coming soon). 

For the Multiphase Conference Series papers, the past papers and proceedings from future conferences will be available to participants immediately after each conference and available for download through OnePetro, six months after the conference. 

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